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528 zł
755 zł-30%
143 Zobacz recenzje
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1–8 of 143 RecenzjeSortuj wg : Najwyższa do najniższej oceny
Ottima scarpa grande confort ,elegante
Oryginalnie opublikowano w Beetle
Sempre una garanzia
E’ un cult che camper dovrebbe continuare a produrre
Oryginalnie opublikowano w Beetle
Perfect, like always. I love this brand
Oryginalnie opublikowano w Beetle
Instantly comfortable lovely shoes
Only my second pair of Camper shoes, comfortable from day 1 and can barely feel I’m wearing anything. Like the pop of red around the sole and logo. That look great with turned up jeans and a red sock to complement
Oryginalnie opublikowano w Beetle
Classy shoes
Smart, stylish and comfortable. All Camper shoes are interesting with imaginative designs. My favourite brand.
Oryginalnie opublikowano w Beetle
Good experience with Camper. Really good model.
Comfortable and good looking shoe. Exchange for another size was smoothly handled.
Oryginalnie opublikowano w Beetle
Muy geniales , cómodos y su diseño me encanta
Oryginalnie opublikowano w Beetle
Nasz prezent dla Ciebie
AnonymousBuenos y cómodos. Se notan de buena calidad.
Muy comodos en general, aunque los 3 ultimos modelos que he comprado me lastiman en el talon. He tenido que comprar almohadillas para que no me corten y con eso ya puedo usarlos. Son resistentes.
Oryginalnie opublikowano w Beetle