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Runner K21 米色和粉色女款運動鞋側面

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Runner K21 米色和粉色女款運動鞋特寫
Runner K21 米色和粉色女款運動鞋側面
Runner K21 米色和粉色女款運動鞋後面
Runner K21 米色和粉色女款運動鞋俯角
Runner K21 米色和粉色女款運動鞋鞋底

Runner K21 米色和粉色女款運動鞋

  • 全館免運費
  • 7天鑑賞期
  • 3個月品質保固
米色和粉色皮革和正絨面革女式運動鞋,搭配 XL EXTRALIGHT® Organix™ 外底(30% 生物基甘蔗)。

Runner K21 是 Runner 系列的最新成員,採用複古風格的方法和工藝感,增加了新的質量。

Leather is a high quality natural material that acts as the foundation for many of our products. We use many types of leather to ensure it's better for you, society, and the planet.